$(document).ready(function() { $('.sendconfirmation').hide(); //$('#displaycontent').hide(); }); lang="en-US"> Sell Your Used Printer Cartridges – TonerBuyer.com

Sell Your Used Printer Cartridges

Thanks for Submitting Your Empty Cartridge List!

If you submitted your used cartridge list during our normal business hours of Monday-Friday 8-5 CT, your shipping label(s) and instructions will be emailed to you within an hour or less. If you submitted after hours, the shipping information will be emailed the following business day.

Here’s How to Sell Us Your Empty Printer Cartridges

  1. You must have a minimum of 8 used laser cartridges OR a minimum 25 used inkjet cartridges to qualify for the free shipping label(s).
  2. Choose the brand of your used toner, ink, or drum cartridge.
  3. Choose the part number of your used toner, ink, or drum cartridge.
  4. Enter the quantity of each used cartridge you have for recycling.
  5. Click the “Sell Us Your Empties” button.
  6. We’ll email you a prepaid shipping label(s) and packaging instructions.

Scroll down the page for more information on shipping requirements and other important information.

We're Sending Your Order Right Now!


Order Entries

First Name *
Last Name *
Company (if Applicable)
Address 1 * Street Address, P.O. Box
Address 2 Apartment, Suite, Unit
City *
State *
ZIP Code *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
By submitting your form, you agree to our terms and conditions.

Minimum Cartridge Requirement and Other Important Information

  • We pay for shipping if your used cartridges are shipped from anywhere in the USA or Puerto Rico and you meet the minimum requirements listed below.
  • We will send you pre-paid UPS ground shipping labels and shipping instructions.
  • You must submit a minimum of 8 used laser cartridges OR a minimum 25 used inkjet cartridges to qualify for the free shipping label(s). HERE ARE THE EXCEPTIONS TO THE MINIMUM CARTRIDGE REQUIREMENTS. If you meet the minimum cartridge requirements for either laser or inkjet cartridges, then you may ship less than the minimum on the other type of used cartridge. FOR EXAMPLE: If you meet the minimum of 8 empty laser cartridges in your shipment, then it’s OK to ship less than 25 empty inkjets in the same shipment. The same rule applies if you meet the 25 minimum inkjet cartridges to ship less than 8 laser cartridges in the same shipment.
  • Payments will be mailed by US Mail within 5 business days after we receive your shipment in our warehouse. Be sure to keep your UPS Shipping Label tracking number when you ship using the label we provide you.
  • Any UPS local delivery driver or any UPS drop-off location is authorized to take your shipping package with our UPS label attached at no cost to you.
  • If you have new, unused printer cartridges to sell, do not list those above, click here to sell us your new, unused printer supplies and cartridges.

What Used / Empty Printer Cartridges We DO Buy

We currently purchase over 400 different models of used cartridges for recycling. All cartridges we currently accept, along with pricing, can be found Here. Our list is updated daily, so please check back if you do not see your current model listed.

What Used / Empty Printer Cartridges We DO NOT Buy

We DO NOT Purchase Remanufactured Cartridges

  • We do not purchase or accept Remanufactured, Refilled, Compatible or Generic 3rd Party Brands. All used cartridges must be OEM (Original Manufacturer) brand cartridges.

We DO NOT Purchase Starter, Introductory or Instant Ink Cartridges

  • Starter and introductory cartridges are low yield cartridges that originally came with the machine when your machine was purchased. These differ than regular purchased retail cartridges. To help identify these, the label on the cartridge will read “starter”, “introductory” or “instant ink”.
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